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3 Video Scripting Templates to Make Your Marketing Videos Rock

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Have you ever wished you could shoot awesome marketing videos, but weren’t sure what they should actually say?

In this post, I’ll share with you 3 video scripting templates that could save you a ton of time, and save you having to pay an expensive copywriter.

Here’s how…

Content Video Scripting Template

One of the best I’ve seen is beautifully described in this video by Nick Nimmin:


Originally posted on YouTube by Nick Nimmin


Essentially, here’s the video scripting template he outlines:


What is your video is about? Make it as short and interesting as possible… Let people know WHY they should stay. You only have 5-15 seconds. If you do this well, your viewer will now be “hooked”, and keen to keep watching.

Which brings us to the…


Quickly say who you are.

Add any branding statements and/or other supporting info.

Reinforce your hook, lead into body of your video. Explain why what you’re about to share with your viewer is important…

Now, you can finally jump into the real “meat” of your message…


This is the bulk of the info you’re sharing. It’s the most important, and if you keep it interesting, keeps your viewer engaged.

A great way to do that is to add call to action (CTA) to watch all the way through. Start with a question that you promise to answer by the end.

Then, once you’ve delivered a piece of awesome, helpful content, your viewer will want to hear your…

Call to Action

What do you want viewers to do next?

You’ve got to be very clear here because people generally forget… You need to remind your viewer, or they’ll be instantly distracted with the next video, or something in the sidebar, or who knows what… and will leave forever. Invite them to watch your next video, subscribe to your channel, leave a comment, opt in to your list — All things that will help them on their journey, and you to growing your business.

So, that’s probably your best of the “content” type video scripting templates.

Authority Video Scripting Template

One of the best video scripting templates for building your authority includes a spokesperson. You’ve may have seen these, where it looks like a television news interview.

This type of video can be very effective because we all assume that if a reporter interviews somebody on TV, that person must be important.

In essence, this script breaks down into 10 parts:

  1. Opening
  2. Prime Time Graphics Animation
  3. Studio background appears
  4. Spokesperson begins
  5. Introduces Expert
  6. Introduces topic
  7. Expert gives 1-3 tips  (Deliver value, build authority, create like-ability)
  8. Close
  9. Back to Spokesperson
  10. Call to Action

In addition, if you can show a 5-star rating of some sort for you or your expert at the end, this also enhances credibility for your viewers.

Community-Building Video Scripting Template

In this type of video, you’re sharing content and personality with your “tribe”. It’s a great way to quickly build following on social media.

And, it’s incredibly simple…

You know how you’re always having insights about what you do that your customers can benefit from?

(…or at least occasionally, I hope!)

FAQ’s that you get can also be great fodder for content to share.

So, instead of going to a lot of effort to write it all down, or have somebody help you write, edit and publish it all…

Just do this:

  1. Set up a Facebook brand or business page.
  2. Log into Facebook Live.
  3. Pull out your phone.
  4. Share your latest tip, insight or answer to a question you just received.
  5. Give your viewers a next action, such as downloading your lead magnet, subscribing to your newsletter, even just liking your page…

That’s it — Simple, quick, effective.

Here’s an example:


Originally posted on YouTube by StrategiCopy


Huge time-saver, and keeps you in touch with your audience so they keep doing business with you.

I hope you find these tips helpful.

So what video tactics are working especially well for you?

Please comment below — Your feedback and ideas guide the direction and growth of this blog!

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