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How to Delegate Effectively

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How strong are your skills in this area, can you delegate? Delegation can make or break leaders and their businesses, it really is that important, which is why we want to talk about it today. In order to grow your business beyond its humble beginnings, at some point you are going to need to trust the people around you and delegate to them. You can only do so much yourself, which is why today we are sharing a few tips on how to delegate effectively.


Delegation is not simply offloading

The first point to make here is that delegation is not another term for offloading. This is not a way of getting around all of those unwanted jobs by passing them off to someone else. If you always do this, you are soon going to find yourself with a team unwilling to take tasks on from you and an unmotivated workforce.

Delegation is passing on those tasks that you know can be competently carried out by someone other than you, freeing you up to focus on other areas, areas that you deem to be more worthwhile. It is also a way of upskilling your team and giving them more responsibility, variety and enjoyment in their work.

Build a team that you trust

In order to even begin delegating, you are going to need to build a team around you that you trust. You need to feel that they are capable and willing to deliver all that you need them to. You will also want them to be able to voice their concerns if they feel out of their depth so that you can support them in any tasks that they are taking on.

Remind yourself of your priorities

Create a list of all of the tasks that you would like to complete this month and you will soon realize that you cannot possibly achieve it all yourself. At this point, you need to note down those things that you know you must complete and then those things that you feel could be competently completed by someone else.

When you see that some of your time can be freed up from simpler or administrative tasks so that you can be looking for tender opportunities, networking within the community, developing fresh ideas or providing staff development, you will be more keen to delegate them.

Be clear and concise

When you choose to delegate something, you need to be clear and concise about what needs doing. Talk through how to complete it, your expectations around timescales and standard of work and ask whether there are any questions.

It can help to demonstrate in some cases, as long as you are mindful that your skillset might initially be greater and to reassure your team member that you know it might take them a little longer until they get to grips with it.

Oversee and then walk away

Support your team as they first take on a new task from you, be on hand to address any difficulties or correct any problems. Check again that they are comfortable with the work, and if so, walk away from them. This will indicate that you are confident in them and your time has now been freed up.

Do check in from time to time and make yourself available so that concerns are brought to your attention in a timely manner.

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