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How to write CSV in .NET

Photo by Danial Igdery

Originally Posted On: Csharp Write to CSV File | IronXL (


Ever wondered how to quickly use C# to write to CSV? Wonder no more! IronXL provides a very quick and easy way to write data into CSV files in .NET.

Code Examples

 Save as CSV File 


  1. private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3. WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Load("Normal_Excel_File.xlsx"); //Import .xls, .csv, or .tsv file
  4. wb.SaveAs("Excel_To_CSV.csv"); //Exported as : Excel_To_CSV.Sheet1.csv
  5. }
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Step 1

1. Add IronXL to Your Project

Just in case you haven’t installed IronXL yet, here’s the quick steps you need to take

  • Open Visual Studio and select the Project menu
  • Click Manage NuGet Packages
  • Search for IronXL.Excel
  • Click Install

Or use the following command into the Developer Command Prompt:

PM> Install-Package IronPdf

Or you can download directly from the Iron Software website, here:



How to Tutorial

2. Create an Excel Workbook

Let’s create a quick project!

First, create an Excel workbook containing the following information


Normal Excel data to be exported to CSV

Figure 1 – Normal Excel data to be exported to CSV

Then add the IronXL Namespace in order to be able to write to csv files in C# and IronXL

  1. using IronXL;





2. Save Workbook to CSV

The following code makes use of the Workbook object’s Load method to load a file into Excel.

Then, it uses the SaveAs method to save the file in the desired format – in this case: CSV.

What’s interesting here is that it appends the name of the worksheet onto the filename, which is a quite nifty reminder on where the data is coming from.

  1. private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3. WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Load("Normal_Excel_File.xlsx"); //Import .xls, .csv, or .tsv file
  4. wb.SaveAs("Excel_To_CSV.csv"); //Exported as : Excel_To_CSV.Sheet1.csv
  5. }



The output CSV file looks like the following when opened in a normal Text Editor such as Notepad.


Output CSV file

Figure 2 – Output CSV file


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