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1 degree shift = Change Your Life

Photo by Element5 Digital

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When you think about changing your life or doing what you want, what comes to mind?

Do you think you need to do a complete 360 or 180 degree shift to get there?

Most people do!

But the truth is, you only need to make a 1 degree shift to get or have something different in life.

What do I mean by a 1 degree shift?

A 1 degree shift is doing just one thing different than you did yesterday. 

This 1 degree shift is small. Very small in fact. But it’s just enough to move you into a new direction. 

If you think about driving a car on the road, shifting the wheel just a small amount changes the direction your driving. Well, that’s the same concept we’re talking about now. 

If you want something new and different, just make a 1 degree shift. 

When you climb Mount Everest, you don’t climb it in a day,

You do it one step at a time. 

That’s exactly what this is like. 1 degree = 1 step. 

So what would this 1 degree actually look like? 

Most of us live our days on repeat doing the same things day in a day out. 

This will give you the same results you currently have. Sooooo if you want something different in your life, you need to DO something different. 

What can you do differently? 

Baby Steps

Doing something different is as easy as taking one baby step in a new direction. It’s very simple and easy, but because it’s so easy most people don’t do it. 

Your baby steps will be the path you take from where you are to where you want to be.  So, of course, your goal determines the baby steps you’ll be taking.

Here are a few examples of what I mean by taking one baby step. While some of the things mentioned below might be a baby step for you, to others it may be a big step: 

  • Making a “To Do” list for your week (one thing per day) that is in alignment with what you really want to get done (and do it) 
  • Speaking up where you normally wouldn’t 
  • Changing how you think about something
  • Setting an intention for the day, instead of letting the day run you
  • Meditating for a few minutes each day
  • Getting up early – instead of sleeping in or hitting snooze
  • Packing a lunch – instead of eating out

These baby steps, or the 1 degree, is truly a simple act.  The hard part? Just doing it. 

Look For What’s New

Once you start to take baby steps, your 1 degree, start to look for what’s new.  

Remember, when you do something new, you get different results. 

What I see most people do during this process, is they start to make changes but are still looking for the familiar and what they know, instead of what’s new in their life. 

When you start to look for what’s new, notice everything that is different than the day before. 

Our reality is nothing more that our past thoughts and actions realized. 

So when you begin to do something new, you will get something new. But if you keep looking for what you know, you’ll miss what’s coming. 

Be Consistent

“Consistency breeds success”

This holds true for everything in life.

If you want results you have to be consistent with your actions. 

The cool part is that the actions your taking are very small, just one step everyday, towards what you really want. 

Because I want to help you get massive results this year, by taking baby steps of course. I’ve created a free gift for you. 

It’s called the 1º Shift into Clarity – Free Gift!

This is the exact process I use to get massive results in my business and life. 

Click the Link to download and begin seeing results today.

>>> Click HERE <<<

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