Three-Tier Plan for Re-Opening Ontario ON Works
Ontario, Canada, 12 March 2021 – ON Works is happy to announce that this is the 4th day in Ontario with no COVID-19 deaths in long-term care facilities. We are starting to see the results of our long-awaited vaccination programs and crowdfunding. This is great news!
Now we can start to start to focus in parallel on a reopening plan for the economy. Businesses need a certain level of clarity in order to bring back employees and make plans for different business volumes.
We are suggesting a three-tier program to our Ontario Governments with additional criteria for re-opening our businesses:
1. Focused Communication to assist business planning
Vaccination levels continue to increase and it is critical that our at-risk population receives priority.
a) We request that dates for vaccination of age categories continue to be updated and communicated quickly as shipments arrive. Increased communication around these dates is very important for parallel business planning.
2. Businesses can re-open and increase capacity as vaccinations increase
We would like to work with the government to adjust the colour coded system to include this new variable. For example:
a) Once all persons in the 80+ age category are vaccinated, all businesses can re-open in the green zone
b) Once we are through the 60+ age category, all businesses reopen at 50% capacity.
c) When herd immunity is reached (70% of the population is vaccinated) then full re-opening of all businesses
3. Contact tracing is increased until the full reopening of all businesses
This is where businesses need to assist the government the most. We need to dedicate the resources to make sure we can identify challenges quickly. We recommend the following for business owners:
a) All businesses will have a person per shift dedicated to contact tracing employees and customers.
b) Where possible, all employees will use the COVID Alert App and businesses request customers to also be on this app. The app must be presented and prove that the person has not come in contact with any COVID-19 positive contacts. The thumbs-up symbol gives them the green light to go to work or enter to shop, play, eat, or drink. The dedicated staff member per shift must make sure everyone is complying.
c) If businesses cannot utilize the COVID Alert App process then they must develop a system to record names and telephone numbers of people entering their facilities while having a reporting process that quickly can deal with COVID positive cases identified in their business. Time is critical in reporting so we must all have systems of collecting customer information in place.
Please support On Works and become part of the solution! Subscribe to receive our newsletters and donate to help us work with governments to get them to re-open our businesses safely.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/on-works
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Media Contact
Paul M. | Rahul P.
ON Works
2295 Battleford Rd., Mississauga, ON, Canada