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SR9009 Vs. Cardarine: Everything You Need to Know

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SR9009 and Cardarine are investigative nonsteroidal compounds of great interest to researchers because of their potential therapeutic properties. The two are often lumped together with a class of drugs called Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) that have a better safety margin than steroids because of their selectivity for  androgen receptors.

Preliminary research has shown the potential of SR9009 in inducing wakefulness, increasing metabolism, and promoting muscle recovery. Similar research has also demonstrated the potential of cardarine in improving insulin sensitivity and thereby reducing body fat, improving endurance for physical training, and correcting fatty acid imbalances. Research into these compounds is limited so far, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved either for human consumption.

Both compounds have attracted significant interest from the athletic community because of their properties, which are under investigation. This has led to the banning of both compounds from many major sports leagues and sporting communities. Athletes should not participate in research with these products as they are for laboratory use only AND tested for by most athletic leagues. Both are listed on the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) list of prohibited substances and considered as class S4 compounds “hormone and metabolic modulators.

This article describes the properties, effects, benefits, and side effects of the two compounds. It will also answer another question: Are they even SARMs?

What Is SR9009?

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is not a “real” SARM, though it is often mistaken as one. It is instead a type of nootropic called REV-ERB agonists.[1] REV-ERB proteins are found in the liver, muscles, and other areas of the body, and they promote wakefulness when there is a sleep pathology. [1]. REV-ERB proteins have also shown potential in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis in mouse models. [2]

In vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated SR9009’s potential in modulating different factors that help to build endurance for physical activity. [1]

What Is Cardarine?

Cardarine, also known as GW501516, is not a “real” SARM, even though it’s marketed as such. It has a high affinity for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) with selectivity for PPARα and PPARγ. [3] It was developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals working in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline, with an intention to investigate its potential in treating obesity, dyslipidemias, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

GlaxoSmithKline has conducted a number of clinical trials to  investigate the potential of Cardarine in treating diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and dyslipidemias. [4] Monkey studies have demonstrated Cardarine’s potential in improving cardiovascular function. [5]

The Major Differences Between SR9009 Vs. Cardarine

The FDA considers SR9009 and Cardarine investigational compounds and has not approved them as drugs or supplements. Researchers continue to explore the therapeutic properties of these two compounds, which appear to be quite similar. They have several differences that make their applications quite different, though, including:

  • The half-life of Cardarine is 24 hours, while that of SR9009 is four to five hours. This means Stenabolic is eliminated from the body much faster. Cardarine can thus be consumed once daily for stable blood levels, while SR9009 taken once per day in the morning may theoretically modulate a healthy sleep and energy cycle.
  • Cardarine has been studied more than Stenabolic and is currently in phase II clinical trials. No human trials have been performed with SR9009.
  • Cardarine is a REV-ERB agonist, while Stenabolic is a PPAR agonist.
  • Both compounds may help to build endurance, but Cardarine appears to have greater potential in this area.
  • Cardarine is more potent on a per milligram basis.
  • Stenabolic is more expensive than Cardarine.
  • Cardarine has more potent anti-inflammatory capabilities.

The points above demonstrate how different the two compounds are. Researchers will hopefully learn more about these compounds as their studies continue, but some possible side effects have already been noted

Potential Side Effects of Using SR9009 Vs. Cardarine

Both compounds may cause stomach upsets such as cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. SR9009 is also likely to cause changes in sleeping patterns.

Potentially Serious Side Effects

A lab study showed that a high dose of 3mg/kg/day of Cardarine could increase cancer risk; this is also possible with similar anabolic agents. [6].

Long-Term Effects Are Unknown

It’s difficult to ascertain the full extent of the possible adverse events linked to the consumption of these compounds, because research is very limited in this area. Preliminary investigations have shown a modest safety profile at appropriate dosages, though.

Please note that neither of these products are meant for human consumption and both are banned in numerous athletic leagues. Athletes should not participate in clinical research with either product.

Potential Benefits of SR9009

Stenabolic demonstrates a key role in regulating the body’s internal clock and in glucose and lipid metabolism. Researchers are interested in the potential of Stenabolic in the following areas:

  • Inducing wakefulness in pathological conditions that affect sleep
  • Decreasing fat storage by inducing the oxidation of fatty acids and glucose
  • Increasing energy and endurance
  • Promoting recovery of connective tissue
  • Reducing atherosclerosis

No human trials have been conducted on SR9009 so far, so researchers have more to learn. Preliminary research has found significant potential in such areas as regulating the circadian rhythm.

Potential Benefits of Cardarine

Cardarine has shown the ability to facilitate energy production and fatty acid metabolism during exercise. This makes it a potential candidate for treating metabolism-related conditions such as diabetes and obesity. Researchers are looking into the potential of GW501516 in other areas, such as:

  • Increasing endurance for physical activity
  • Improving insulin sensitivity
  • Accelerating bodyfat loss
  • Balancing HDL/LDL/Triglycerides

The results of ongoing phase II clinical trials will help shed light on the therapeutic potential (obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) of Cardarine.

Preliminary research suggests that both compounds have potential benefits, but they may also have some risks that need to be addressed adequately. It’s important to approach these compounds with caution as long as they lack FDA approval. Researchers are free to purchase these compounds in their chemical form for research use, however. It’s essential to deal with a trusted supplier who can provide third-party results to confirm that the products meet the standard of 98% purity set by researchers.

Visit the Sports Technology Labs Blog for News and Information About SARMs

For the highest quality RAD 140, Ligandrol, Ostarine, MK 677, and other SARMs, look no further than Sports Technology Labs. Visit the Sports Technology Labs research blog for information about new products, updates in the industry, side effects, new scientific literature, and product comparisons.

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