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8 Top HVAC Marketing Strategies

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As an HVAC company, you’ll likely have noticed that marketing practices have changed somewhat in the last few years. The consumer has come to rely upon the digital world to both discover and access their services. Your customers will expect a service that involves immediate responses and turnarounds. Such changes are the result of our increasingly fasted-paced and technological age. Tech has heavily influenced marketing, and thus, you’ll need to employ the latest digital marketing strategies if you want your HVAC business to thrive. Let’s take a closer look at some of these ideas.

Website Optimization

Many HVAC services do not have a website that is properly optimized, and if this is the case for you, it’s unlikely that you’ll be found by your target audience online. When the consumer is searching for their home contractors, they are no longer relying on word of mouth or in-person shopping tactics, but they are searching online via their phones and laptops.

Social Media Marketing

In our current climate, many firms are using social media marketing, via platforms like Facebook. The great thing about Facebook marketing is that it allows you to practice remarketing. For example, if a user clicks on your website but does not commit to your services, when they next go on Facebook, they will see one of your ads. Often, the lead does not become a sale on their first visit to your website, and so you’ll want to put strategies in place to draw them back in! Facebook marketing also has some great analytics features so that you can see exactly what is and what isn’t working within your marketing strategies. You can use Facebook Insights to see when your followers are mostly online so that you can post at the right times. Facebook has 2.32 million users per month and is used daily by so many consumers. You won’t want to miss out on gaining more and more clients by using social media marketing.

8 Top HVAC Marketing Strategies 2
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Pay-per-click & SEO

PPC online marketing works via running advertisements whereby you pay if someone clicks on them. You can bid on keywords and ensure that your ads end up being higher in search engines like Google. Using PPC marketing can allow more people to find your ad and your website fast. You can’t expect consumers to be googling your name when they’ve never heard of you before! You’ll want to choose the correct keywords to ensure that they end up finding your name and what you’re all about! You can also use SEO strategies to drive traffic to your website. You’ll want to do some keyword research yourself to find out what your users are searching for. It’s also an option to get an HVAC marketing company to help you to implement a strategy.

Calls to Action

If your website design strategy isn’t sharp enough, you could end up missing out on potential customers. Ensure that your website has enough clickable calls to action so that your visitors can easily take action to contact you there in that moment. If your customers are enticed on each landing page to contact you, you’ll immediately increase your chances of them doing so. If your contact forms or phone number links are unclear, you’ll miss out on these customers.

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User Friendly

The purpose of a user-friendly website is to create the best user experience for your visitors possible. A user-friendly website should be simple and easy to access the common features. Your visitors should find it easy to locate all of the different tools that they need with zero confusion. Your website should require minimal explanation to use. In our immediate gratification culture, the customer doesn’t wait around, and if a process isn’t straightforward enough, they will quickly move onto another site. While you’re at it, it’s vital to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, because a huge amount of searches are made this way.

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Create a blog


Blogs are an excellent marketing tool for any company, including HVAC businesses. You can write content in response to questions that your users are asking the web. These could be blogs that cover for example ‘ The Benefits Of An Air Conditioner’ or  ‘Should I Buy An Air conditioner?’ There are so many blogs out there these days; so you’ll need to focus on SEO tactics to get yours noticed. Ensure that you write attention-grabbing content that sets you apart from the rest. Creating a blog for your business could really help to drive your sales.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has increased in popularity in the last few years, many consumers prefer to see the content via video as opposed to text. People will often retain more of the message when watching a video and opposed to reading. Videos are shared on social media more than any other content type, so creating some videos could drive your social media presence too. You could offer explainer videos to talk about your products or branding videos to introduce your team. Customers often like to see a company in action and put faces to the names of the business; this will allow you to get your branding across and to present yourself as personable.

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Email Marketing

When customers visit your website, ensure that you have pop-ups and contact forms which give them a chance to offer you their information (even if they are not making a purchase there and then). You can provide useful reports or checklists to download in exchange for their contact details. Once you have those, you can target these customers with email marketing campaigns. Sending each new person on your list a welcome email involving some kind of discount on your services is a surefire way to get people hooked. You can also email your list with details of your new blog posts as they come up, the more of your blogs that are read or shared on social media- the better.

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It’s not always so easy to know how to market yourself as an HVAC company. With lots of competition out there, you’ll want to be always putting in your best efforts to improve and analyse your strategies!


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