Mastering the Art of Engaging Students in the Classroom
The best teachers know how to engage students in learning. But only half of students report feeling engaged in the classroom. What’s a good-intentioned teacher to do to raise morale in class, then?
It’s no secret that engaging students can be a challenge. But the importance of classroom motivation is undeniable. Students engaged in school perform and behave better than their unmotivated peers.
If you’re a teacher looking for tips on engaging students in learning, read on. Our blog will teach you simple techniques to incorporate in your classroom every day.
Use Movement
Studies show that physical activity positively impacts cognitive functioning. Any activity during class time can mean an improvement in their academic performance.
You don’t need to ask your students to stand up on their desks and recite “O Captain! My Captain!”
Instead, find an age-appropriate way to include movement in your lessons. High school students may not take to singing and clapping about their math problems. But your elementary school kids might.
Students of all ages learn well using the Total Physical Response technique. This teaching method uses movement to react to verbal inputs. The purpose is to link words and actions to boost learning.
Create Relationships
Another effective strategy is creating a relationship with your students. Teachers who make the time to form strong bonds with their students are more effective in their role. Their students have better academic success, too
Children who feel close to their teachers feel a sense of belonging and connection.
Allow Them Freedoms
We’re not talking about letting them run free during class time. Allowing your students to take charge of their learning ensures the utmost engagement.
For example, let your classes choose the topics for their research papers.
Providing them with small freedoms helps them stay engaged with the subject matter.
Your students will perform better researching a topic they care about. This allows them to learn research skills while boosting their confidence.
Give Them Jobs
It’s the dream of every teacher to create a small community within their classrooms. A great way to foster a tight-knit community feel is by assigning jobs.
Classroom jobs will help your kids learn the importance of responsibilities. You can assign tasks that play to their natural strengths. Other times you may want to encourage your students to take a role that puts them outside of their comfort zone.
There is an infinite number of jobs that your students could perform to help you in the classroom. From chalkboard cleaner to paper collector, the possibilities are endless.
Request Feedback
Younger students won’t be able to provide much useful feedback.
Teachers of older grades may find their feedback invaluable. You’ll be able to adjust your teaching style to meet the needs of your students. Knowing what works with your class helps you plan lessons that encourage engagement.
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback during meetings with parents, too. They may have a better understanding of the issues their children are having in class. You can use online school forms to gather feedback from parents or students.
Engaging Students Can Be Lifechanging
It’s crucial to learn how to adapt your classes to make engaging students a priority. Not only will your kids pay more attention in class, but they’ll garner a love of learning, too. Creating a positive and engaging environment can change the lives of students who need it most.
Check out our website for more tips on inspiring your students.