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Managing Acid Reflux: A Guide to Enjoying Cold Brew Coffee

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Dealing with acid reflux can be a challenging journey.

In fact, when it comes to enjoying your favorite foods and drinks, the number one obstacle is…

Acid reflux.

Navigating your diet can feel like a minefield. But this is what separates those who let their condition control them from the courageous foodies. If you don’t know how to manage your acid reflux effectively, you’ll never reach this level of culinary freedom.


Understanding Acid Reflux and Cold Brew Coffee

Acid reflux, often diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common gastrointestinal condition. It happens when the stomach content regurgitates back into the esophagus causing discomfort and potential complications.

What is Acid Reflux?

The diagnosis of acid reflux usually follows persistent heartburn or indigestion symptoms. This occurs when stomach acids flow upwards into your esophagus, leading to irritation over time. If this acid reflux progresses without treatment, it can result in serious conditions such as esophageal cancer cancers.

Potential side effects include inhibiting nutrient absorption which could lead to problems absorbing nutrients from food intake.

The Connection Between Coffee and Acid Reflux

Coffee has been linked with triggering acid reflux due its acidity levels that stimulate gastric secretions. A current investigation implies that caffeine could aggravate GERD indications by calming the lower esophageal valve, permitting more stomach material to rise.

Why Some People Prefer Cold Brew for Acid Reflux

Cold brew coffee undergoes steeping in cold water over an extended period (usually 12-24 hours). The resulting beverage contains less acidic compounds compared traditional hot brewed methods making it ideal choice if you frequently experience acid-reflux related issues.

This unique taste profile offers rich flavors sans any bitterness typically associated with hot-brewed coffees – another reason why people prefer switching towards consuming cold brews.

Ever dealt with acid reflux after a cup of joe? Cold brew coffee might be your solution. It’s less acidic than hot-brewed, reducing GERD symptoms. Say goodbye to heartburn and hello to rich flavor. #AcidReflux #ColdBrewCoffee Click to Tweet

How To Make Your Cold Brew Coffee Less Acidic

If you’re a coffee enthusiast who frequently experiences acid reflux, it’s crucial to understand how to make your cold brew less acidic. The process involves mindful selection of the water used for extraction, brewing techniques, and filtration methods.

Using Ice-Cold Water for Extraction

The temperature of the water can significantly affect the acidity level in cold brew, with lower temperatures resulting in less acids from coffee beans dissolving into your drink. Using ice-cold water slows down the extraction process which means fewer acids from those delicious coffee beans dissolve into your drink.

A study by The Scientific Reports Journal suggests that lower temperatures during brewing result in reduced acid content. So, not only does using ice-cold water lead to a smoother taste but also makes each cup easier on your stomach if persistent acid reflux is an issue for you.

Brewing With Alkaline Water

An alternative method? Brewing with alkaline water which boasts higher pH levels than regular tap or bottled waters. When brewed with alkaline H20, coffee becomes less acidic due to its neutralizing effect on acids present within our favorite beans. This approach could prove beneficial especially when the diagnosis indicates progression despite other modifications made towards diet & lifestyle habits. Recent studies suggest consumption of beverages prepared using such sources may help treat symptoms associated with gastroesophageal disease (GERD) effectively over time.

Filtering Out Grounds Using Paper Filter

Another step towards reducing acidity post-brewing? Ensuring grounds are filtered out properly after steeping them overnight longer based on preference. Here, paper filters come in handy as they’re known to remove oils and fine particles more efficiently compared to metal ones according to an article published in the European Food Research And Technology Journal. These compounds, including cafestol and kahweol, apart from adding bitterness, enhance the overall profile, thereby contributing to an increase in cholesterol levels in the body.

Importance Of Patience In Extraction Time

The last yet equally important aspect to consider while preparing the perfect low-acidic batch is patience during the extraction phase itself. Longer steep times allow flavors, caffeine, and antioxidants to be extracted at a lesser rate, resulting in ultimately milder tasting strong cups without causing much discomfort post-consumption, particularly for individuals dealing actively with GERD-related issues consistently for prolonged periods.

Key Takeaway: 

To make your cold brew coffee less acidic, use ice-cold water for extraction to slow down the process and reduce acid content. Consider brewing with alkaline water or filtering grounds using a paper filter. Lastly, practice patience during extraction time – longer steep times lead to milder tasting cups that are gentler on the stomach.

Exploring Low-Acid Coffee Beans For Better Digestion

If you’re someone who repeatedly experiences acid reflux, the type of coffee beans you choose can make a significant difference. Certain varieties, such as dark roasted Arabica, have a lower acidity level and may help to reduce the symptoms of GERD.

Choosing Dark Roasted Arabica Over Other Varieties

The roast level plays an important role in determining your brew’s acidity. It has been found that dark roasted coffees contain lower levels of acidity compared to lighter roasts. This is because chlorogenic acids – which contribute significantly to coffee’s overall acidity – break down during the roasting process.

This makes Arabica beans particularly beneficial for those suffering from persistent acid reflux as they tend to be smoother on the stomach when consumed in moderation.

However, it should be noted that individual tolerance varies; what works for one person might not work for another due to physiological differences and varying degrees at which their acid reflux progresses.

Benefits of Low Altitude Non-Volcanic Soil Grown Beans

Coffee grown at low altitudes generally exhibits lower acidity than high-altitude varieties. The reason behind this lies within its growing conditions: higher altitude regions often have cooler temperatures and more volatile weather patterns leading plants into producing more acids as part of their survival mechanism against harsh conditions.

Brewing a smoother cup of coffee to ease acid reflux? Opt for dark roasted Arabica beans and low altitude grown varieties. Their lower acidity could help manage GERD symptoms. #AcidRefluxTips #CoffeeLovers Click to Tweet

Comparing Acidity Levels – Cold Brew Vs Regular & Iced Coffees

The acidity levels in your coffee can make a significant difference, especially if you repeatedly experience acid reflux. The method of brewing is key to determining the pH level of your brew.

Acidity Level Comparison Between Hot And Cold-Brewed Coffees

Cold-brew coffee typically boasts lower acidity than hot brewed coffee. A study published by Scientific Reports, demonstrated that cold brew has a higher pH level (indicating less acidity) compared to its heated counterpart. This distinction arises from the extraction process; cold water extracts fewer acids from beans over an extended period.

This isn’t suggesting all individuals with persistent acid reflux will find relief with cold brew due to it containing more caffeine which could stimulate gastric secretions and potentially trigger symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Iced Coffee – simply regular hot brewed coffee cooled down and served over ice – retains identical acidity as its heated version since they share similar brewing methods. Therefore, those diagnosed with acid reflux might still face discomfort when consuming iced coffees owing their high acidic content.

Impact Of Higher Caffeine Content In Cold-Brew On Stomach

Many people erroneously equate the term ‘cold’ with ‘mild.’ Yet, it’s important to understand that despite its lower acidity, cold-brew coffee carries a strong caffeine punch—this can become a problem for those whose acid reflux tends to worsen after they consume highly caffeinated drinks.

Caffeine stimulates gastric secretions causing discomfort or exacerbation GERD symptoms despite overall beverage’s reduced acidity. Hence moderation should always be exercised drinking any form caffeinated beverage prone frequent bouts heartburn have been prescribed medication treating acid-reflux.

If esophagus 24-hour ph impedance monitoring shows increased activity post-caffeine consumption leading towards complications such as Barrett’s Esophagus or other esophageal cancer cancers then switching entirely off caffeine would likely be recommended by healthcare professionals despite enjoying benefits lesser acidic nature-coldbrews.

Key Takeaway: 


While cold brew coffee has lower acidity levels than hot or iced versions, making it a better choice for those with acid reflux, its higher caffeine content can still trigger symptoms. Therefore, moderation is key when enjoying this beverage.

FAQs in Relation to Acid Reflux

What is the root cause of acid reflux?

The primary culprit behind acid reflux is a weakened lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. Factors like obesity, smoking, certain medications, and foods can trigger this condition.

What are the 4 types of reflux?

The four types include Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), and Infant Acid Reflux. Each has unique symptoms and requires different treatment approaches.

How I cured my acid reflux?

Curing acid reflux often involves lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding trigger foods, eating smaller meals more frequently, not lying down immediately after eating, and elevating your head while sleeping.

What are the red flags of GERD?

Persistent heartburn or regurgitation despite medication use; difficulty swallowing; unexplained weight loss; anemia or blood in vomit/stool are some red flags that may indicate severe GERD requiring immediate medical attention.


Acid reflux doesn’t have to be the end of your coffee journey.

Understanding its relationship with cold brew can open up a world of flavorful possibilities.

Making your cold brew less acidic is achievable, using techniques like ice-cold water extraction and alkaline brewing.

The choice of low-acid beans grown in non-volcanic soil at lower altitudes can also make a significant difference for better digestion.

Cold brew has been found to have lower acidity levels compared to regular hot or iced coffees – an important factor for those dealing with GERD or sensitive stomach issues.

You’ve got other tricks too, such as adding milk or experimenting with baking soda/cinnamon that neutralizes acids effectively.


Don’t let acid reflux keep you from enjoying great tasting nitro cold brew coffee. With Nitro Coffee Club, you get everything needed to enjoy this smooth beverage for less than $2 per day. Start exploring new flavors while managing your acid reflux by visiting Your taste buds will thank you!

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