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Giving Up Alcohol Does Not Require Willpower

Photo by Mae Mu

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Giving Up Alcohol Can Be A Simple Process

Worried about your drinking and considering giving up alcohol?

Medical researchers and scientists still can’t agree on all the contributing components of addiction, which makes it difficult to conquer. What everyone agrees on is overcoming addiction cannot be conquered by willpower alone. It takes other resources, tools, and services to stay clean and sober.

We want to share with you some resources which don’t require significant money or expensive stays at rehabilitation treatment centers. We work with those who struggle with addiction by offering them another choice in quitting drugs and alcohol.

Our method provides professional therapy with a renowned, alcohol addiction counselor, and mentor. We integrate this therapy with an online program and affordable clinic locations around the world. Our results prove our methodology works from over 100,000 successfully treated clients.

Alcoholism Statistics and Issues

If you have decided to quit alcohol, the road ahead will be full of challenges, and you may relapse more than once. Statistics show most alcoholics in treatment stay alcohol-free for a year. 60% of alcoholics remain sober for up to two years. If an alcoholic can stay sober for five years, chances are good they won’t relapse.

On top of those statistics, in the US, 27% of adults age 18 and over, admitted to binge drinking in the past month. 7% of the 27% stated they drank heavily the same month they binged. Most people consider the rate of alcoholism in the US to be almost epidemic proportions. But, there is help for alcoholics, and it can come from the most unexpected resources sometimes.

We offer a way out of the perpetual circles you make when you wake up and say you are going to quit drinking. Only to open up a beer, or pour a drink later on in the day. It’s a vicious cycle. But we offer ways you can find a way out from the maze of alcoholism.

Alcohol Use Disorder and Mental Health

One of the most critical factors we have discovered is that alcohol use disorder sometimes corresponds to mental health issues. It is these mental health issues which result in some irrational behaviors which fuel alcohol abuse. Statistics show depression and alcoholism are linked.

What’s more, depression influences the treatment process and outcome in alcohol addiction. It is vital to identify depression when treating alcohol-dependent patients. Many times, using anti-depressants can help keep depression at bay while treating alcohol addiction.

Help for Alcoholics

We now know the populations and issues affecting alcoholics throughout the world. Now we need to find the help alcoholics can use and which are effective. It’s not uncommon for an alcoholic to need a program which lets them transform their drinking behavior step-by-step or in a gradual process.

Most of the time, you are not going to help an alcoholic change their drinking patterns and abuse of alcohol overnight.

The Beginning Stages in Helping the Alcoholic

There are stages in helping the alcoholic, and we are going to give you some information on them. They pre-action steps are:

  1. Precontemplation – this is when the alcoholic is defensive about their drinking and will deny they have a problem. Many times alcoholics will re-direct the conversation, so they can avoid talking about the impact of their alcohol abuse.
  2. Contemplation – this is when the alcoholic will go back and forth about their drinking. One minute the alcoholic person will admit they are addicted to alcohol, and the next minute, they will deny it. This stage can last for many weeks or months.
  3. Preparation – this is when the alcoholic wants to change and commits to change. The alcoholic person is starting to prepare to quit drinking, but they are still drinking. There is no passion behind their words yet, but they are getting there.

You have come so far in understanding your addiction. But now you are ready to go even further and put your thought into action.

The Action Stages in Helping the Alcoholic

You are at the point in your addiction when you know you need to try to get through the next step. We are going to share what the last three steps are.

  1. Action – this is when the alcoholic quits drinking. The alcoholic’s body starts going through withdrawal, and they may need detox medical treatment. Once they go through detox, the alcoholic has many psychological, social, and behavioral problems. All these problems walk hand-in-hand with alcoholism they need to be worked on through treatment programs.
  2. Maintenance – this phase can last six months or longer. During this treatment phase, sober alcoholics learn how to avoid relapses by learning new coping mechanisms. Alcoholics also learn how to avoid triggers and identify alcohol-free ways to have fun.
  3. Termination – This is one of the most debated phases in alcohol treatment and recovery. Alcoholism is a chronic disease which never completely goes away. Relapses can always happen. Plus, many sober alcoholics display what is called dry drunk behavior. This behavior is impulsive and dysfunctional, just like alcoholism. But, the person is not drinking anymore.

In addition to the above stages, there are fundamental stages of alcoholism-related to mental well-being. There is no way to list or evaluate them separately from the physical stages because each mental step is so intertwined with the physical stage.

How to Quit Alcohol

We try to let addicts understand the consequences of addiction as well as effective and efficient methods to quit alcohol. Some physical effects of using alcohol are genuinely frightening. We have profiled everything from wet brain syndrome to liver damage in the body of alcoholics.

We make sure addicts understand there is a cost physically, mentally, and psychologically to their body and mind. But, we don’t just scare them and leave them struggling on their own. We also give addicts ways on how to quit alcohol. We have great success with our program and want to offer it to all in need. The information you are receiving in this article is the beginning of a path you can get on and finish if you follow our treatment methods.

Stop Drinking Expert Webinar

We start by giving you six items in our webinar for you to listen to so you can begin to understand the ramifications of addiction. They are;

  • How to get in control without willpower because willpower is never enough
  • Destroy any craving in 3 simple steps
  • How to relax without alcohol
  • Living a happy sober social life
  • A free copy of ‘Alcohol Lied To Me’
  • Find out if the course is right for you

The biggest falsehood out there in addiction treatment is if you have enough willpower, you can quit drinking or using. Willpower is never enough. You must have other tools to use while you fight the cravings and dysfunctional behaviors which drive your alcoholism.

Alcohol Treatment

There are as many alcohol treatment options today in the world as they are stars in the universe. It seems almost daily there is another alcohol treatment program created, which offers yet another way to conquer addiction. The list of alcohol treatment options can seem endless.

Recognized Alcohol Treatments

But there are several recognized treatment options we want to share with you now.

  1. You are trying to do it all on your own. Doing it all on your own can work, but the odds are against it. But people still try to do it on their own by reducing their alcohol intake or not drinking at all. They use meditation, keeping busy, working all the time, etc. as their most common substitute coping mechanisms.
  2. Therapy is another treatment option which occurs when a qualified counselor treats you. Some counselors use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in trying to manage your alcohol behaviors and dependence.
  3. Mental health issues often merge with alcohol addiction treatment, so CBT is sometimes helpful relieving your depression, anxiety, etc. The physical therapy centers on helping your alcohol-related issues like; hypertension, liver disease, etc. Both mental therapy and physical treatment merges in alcohol addiction treatment.
  4. Going to treatment centers for their detox services, rehabilitation programs, support groups, and various other strategies can help treat alcohol addiction.

Most people suffering from addiction find they have lots of support when they are in treatment centers. It is staying sober when re-entering society that tends to be when most patients start abusing alcohol again.

More Recognized Alcohol Treatments

There are even more forms of recognized alcohol treatment we want to share with you. Some alcohol treatments listed below sometimes work, but many don’t. They are:

  1. Many times drugs are used to help the alcoholic quit craving alcohol, as the drug Antabuse. Antabuse causes the alcoholic to get nauseated if they drink alcohol. It also gives the alcoholic headaches and vomiting if they drink, so it serves as a deterrent. But it doesn’t treat the underlying causes of why the alcoholic drinks.
  2. Alcoholics can use detox as their first and most powerful step physically. It helps the body not crave alcohol or need it because you are taking other medications to help you through the 4 to 7-day stage. It is a healthy first step if it is required.
  3. Many alcoholics swear by going cold turkey. They quit drinking, and they never drink again. Sometimes they use counseling and medical help with physical or psychological symptoms. This form of treatment can cause dry alcoholic syndrome because many of the cause and effects of alcoholism are never addressed.
  4. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous give alcoholics the knowledge they are not in their quest to quit drinking alone. It is a nonprofessional, self-supporting treatment system.

We have listed these alcohol treatment options because you may have tried one or more of them. If they didn’t help, you want to know how can you overcome your addiction. That’s where we come in.

Overcoming Addiction

We offer an addicts boot camp, online courses, webinars, and continual communication through the program Craig Beck created. Craig Beck is an ABNLP, ABHYP, DhP renowned addiction counselor, and mentor.

He is a best-selling recovery and addiction treatment author, and his programs are from his personal experiences. Craig Beck was an alcoholic who came up with a way to treat addiction by using psychology, ICF coaching, NLP practices, and hypnotherapy.

All his course, online program, and clinic locations throughout the world are confidential and offer one-to-one individual alcohol treatment options. His programs have successfully treated over 100,000 people. Craig Beck recognizes everyone has a unique need and want for alcohol.

The best treatment for each person depends on finding what that unique need is. Providing strategies allowing the addict to replace their need is what works best in treatment.

There is no one size fits all treatment program which works for everyone. You cannot help an addict if you don’t understand what makes their journey different from the next addicts. It is finding individualized mentoring, coaching, and hypnotherapy, which works for them that has the greatest success.

Alcohol Treatment Today

Many practitioners have various evidence-based options to treat alcoholism. Works on the best methods and delivery systems for alcohol rehabilitation services is ongoing. New medications and behavioral therapies happen all the time.

Craig Beck’s unique ability to lay down a foundational piece for alcohol treatment provides one of the most exciting developments in alcohol treatment programs today. Alcohol dependence takes years to develop; there are body disruptions which occur. Some include affected the balance of;

  • gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain
  • glutamate

GABA is known to control impulsiveness in the brain. Glutamate stimulates the nervous system. There are ways to deal with these symptoms successfully, but the treatments which have the most success, like Craig Beck’s understand this foundational physical body piece. It is incorporated into every treatment step.

It is always a good time to quit using alcohol. We have the best clinics, the best treatment options, and the best methodologies to make it happen for you. But every alcoholic must take the first step themselves.

What’s My Next Step?

Dealing with problem drinking does not make you weak. Getting addicted to a highly addictive substance is the entirely logical conclusion of your actions. However, if you are serious about dealing with this you have to be strong, committed, and willing to learn about yourself.

Most of all, let yourself be inspired to take control of what you need and learn about why you need it. It is only by opening up to the psychological and physical symptoms you have and discovering ways to treat those symptoms you can begin your alcohol treatment journey.

Each alcoholic has varied personalities, life paths, psychologies, and bodies. Each of them has one unique thing they share. They share their craving and abuse of alcohol. You can beat the need and quit abusing alcohol, but you have to take the first step by yourself.

Reach out to us today, and we will show you why your path to recovery should include our field therapy and timeline therapy. We will show you why our hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming is best for your treatment success. If you want to quit drinking, we have the tools to give you which can help.

There is no silver bullet to make you quit drinking, but there is a right way for you. Alcohol will never stop lying to you. Quit listening and move forward with your life.

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