Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pool Tiles Is Now as Easy as 1, 2, 3!
LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection has made cleaning pool tiles easy through its new products. These products are the Heavy Calcium Releaser, TR3, and Cal Block that work complementary to keep your pool tiles calcium-free, clean, and well-preserved. Its product line is high quality, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly. Visit their website for more information.
Phoenix, AZ, May 12, 2022 – LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection makes cleaning pool tiles easy through top-notch products. Pool owners and property managers can easily get rid of calcium buildup from pool surfaces by applying the Heavy Calcium Releaser and then sealing the surfaces with TR3 sealer to preserve the materials and color of the tiles. Moreover, Cal Block protects the pool tiles from damage caused by calcium buildup and makes future cleanings much easier going forward.
1. Clean Your Pool with Heavy Calcium Releasers
LayorCare’s Heavy Calcium Releaser is a powerful cleaner that flawlessly removes calcium buildup and mineral deposits on pool tiles and decks. It is effective on most pool materials, including tiles, natural stone, glass tiles, vinyl pool liners, fiberglass, metals, plastic and water features. Heavy Calcium Releaser does not affect the pH of water or etch most surfaces. Moreover, the product is acid-free, non-toxic, and eco-friendly.
2. Apply TR3 To Seal and Restore the Pool Tile Colors and Gloss
TR3 seals the pool tiles to hide light-scale buildup and restore them to look like new. The pool surface may look worn out and faded after scrubbing the calcium buildup and cleaning the pool tiles with the Heavy Calcium Releaser. TR3 makes old damaged pool surfaces look new again by hiding scrub marks, restoring the color, and giving them a glossy wet finish. It also protects the surfaces against future waterline calcium. Use on all pool tile and glass tiles.
3. Finally, Spray Cal Block to Protect the Tiles from Calcium Build-Up
The third and final step in cleaning and maintaining pool tiles entails spraying Cal Block to prevent calcium buildup and make cleaning the tiles a breeze from this point on. Cal Block is a multi-surface protectant manufactured through Nano Formulation Technology. It is easy to use, non-toxic, and protects the surfaces for months. Furthermore, this product is suitable for most surfaces, including glass, tile, concrete, vinyl liners, fiberglass, metal, plastic, natural stone and rock features.
“LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection has you covered by making a complete line of revolutionary products for cleaning and sealing every porous stone, pool deck tile line, and more. In just three steps; your pool surfaces look clean, well-maintained, as-good-as-new and much easier to keep clean in the future. Shop our products to clean and maintain your pools and patios,” said LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection company representative.
Visit this page to learn more about cleaning and maintaining your pool tiles and patios.
The company has other products to preserve the appearance and condition of pools and patios. These products are high-quality, non-toxic, and ecologically safe. They include the following:
- Pre-treat Cleaner
- Neutral seal
- No-Slip
You can read more about this on their website.
About LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection
LayorCare is an Arizona-based company specializing in the manufacture of calcium removers, cleaners, and sealers for swimming pools, tiles, and patios. It offers high-quality non-toxic, and eco-friendly products, suitable for most materials, including glass tiles and natural stone.
Contact Information
Name: [email protected]
Organization: LayorCare Pool & Patio Protection
Address:2212 E. Magnolia St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
Phone Number:480-237-9363
Website: https://www.layorcare.com/
Originally posted On: https://syndication.cloud/cleaning-and-maintaining-your-pool-tiles-is-now-as-easy-as-1-2-3/