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21 Signs You’re A Psychic Medium

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Do You Feel Different or Misunderstood?

Do you wonder if you have extrasensory gifts? Or, have you had some unexplainable experiences but you are unsure what they meant? In fact, you may not even be sure if they were even psychic in nature at all. Did these experiences make you feel different than everyone else or that you were misunderstood or didn’t fit in? If you thought you were nuts … take peace in knowing, you weren’t.


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In the beginning, I threw my hands up a time or two because I didn’t know what was happening to me meant. At times, I was sure I was just imagining things. Sound familiar?

Do you have vivid dreams, daydreams, or visions that come to pass? Or perhaps, you see shadows occasionally? If you do, it’s okay to embrace that!

So, let’s clear the air and put everyone’s mind at ease. Here’s a list of common traits and experiences psychic mediums have. Which ones have you experienced?

Signs You’re a Psychic Medium

  1. In life, especially as a child, you felt different. Did you feel like you didn’t quite fit in? You might even feel this now. Perhaps you can’t quite place these feelings yet you have always had a knowing there was something different about you. You might notice, as a fallout from this, that you yearn for real, true, deep connections with people in your world. It may even be that you can’t seem to find your tribe and/or people you resonate fully with.
  2. You see things in your peripheral vision or you see images and pictures that might present like a mini movie and which prove to be accurate. This is called clairvoyance. You might also see orbs, shadows, sparkly or flashing lights. You may be clairvoyant!
  3. Do you pay attention to your dreams? If so, you understand that dreams have an unfathomable ability to deliver profound messages, spiritual insights, and guidance, unlike other avenues of mental access. Do you have frequent or vivid dreams? You may even recall experiences of astral travel or have vivid dreams of past lives or people you never met. Each form of a dream is a message. If you are in tune to this knowing you are very well a psychic medium in bloom.
  4. You pay particular attention to your inner voice sometimes called gut sense and listen to its urgings and nudges. This is called claircognizance. Claircognizance messages may come to you in many ways. They can present in inspired ideas, dreams, through automatic writing, while drawing or playing a musical instrument. Often, messages present while in meditation or while giving or receiving intuitive or psychic readings.
  5. You may recall seeing spirits or passed over loved ones at a very young age. Children are still very connected to the spirit world since it’s not so long ago that they arrived. Futher, they don’t yet hold deeply entrenched belief systems that it’s not possible and even ridiculous to connect with spirit. It’s quite normal for children to play with seeming imaginary friends. If you had spirit experiences at an early age or sense the presence of Spirit as an adult, you could be have mediumistic abilities.
  6. You pay attention to your body and are in tune with it. Empaths very often experience this. In fact, many empaths are natural healers and will actually feel the illnesses, aching, pains or physical symptoms of others when they are near them.
  7. You hear voices, humming, buzzing, and whooshing sounds? Perhaps you hear musical tunes and jingles or experience ear ringing? This is known as clairaudience. These are very natural sounds and are nothing to be in fear of. They can seem like they’re inside your head (like the sound of your own voice) or outside as if someone were right there talking.
  8. Do you awaken at the 2 am hour feeling restless, anxious or ready to get up? This is a unique time in the day and often a most receptive time for spirit interaction and communication.
  9. Do you have a strong affinity toward angelic energies and/or feel like angels were near as a child? Spirit energies vibrate at a unique level. Think of it like a super-fast frequency. If you could sense that energy at an early age it’s highly likely you’re indeed psychic and connecting to higher angelic energies.
  10. Light interference! Have you ever noticed strange electronic phenomena happening in your presence? Better yet, are you turning on and off streetlights when you walk by? Do electrical appliances flicker or turn off and on when you are near? Perhaps you cannot wear electronic watches because they just stop working in time? This is a real phenomenon and happens because your vibration is so high – that of psychic energy.
  11. You receive guidance and intuitive insight through your body – clairsentience. Messages like this can present through your physical body in actual body sensations. Body messages can be felt either outside or inside the body. You may feel a touch on your shoulder or an itch on your skin. These all have meaning. From inside your body, you might notice a twinge inside your belly or an ache inside your foot. You walk into a room you have never been in and instantly you get chills, shiver or notice the energy in the room is different or even heavy. You might find yourself saying “It feels odd here” or in turn “I love how it feels here!”
  12. You feel the presence of Spirits. It’s as if someone is right there with you, but in spirit energy not real human form. Sometimes this will manifest in a feeling like you’re being watched. When this happens notice your emotions as you may feel a shift of emotions and overcomes with an out of place sadness or even glee connected to the spirit presence.
  13. You must have pockets of quiet in your day and you make time for solitude, taking advantage of opportunities to contemplate the mysteries of existence.
  14. You understand animals, can communicate and bond with them easily. In essence, you get each other. Is there an animal that captivated you as a child? Do you feel a deep connection to a particular animal? What animals do you see repeatedly? Consider animal traits/characteristics. Which animal most closely associates with your personality? Begin to ponder these questions more to help this ability flourish. The connection to animal kingdom is indeed an indication of your psychic ability.
  15. Do you cherish creativity and put time into feeding that creativity? Artists, authors, musicians and the like are accessing the higher realms as they open to and merge with their creative essence. Mozart in depth of his expression through the piano was firmly entrenched in psychic functioning.
  16. Are you afraid of the dark? Does the dark bring out an otherworldly knowing within you? You’re not alone. Many with unique psychic abilities have a similar fear and prefer to sleep with lights on.
  17. You felt a very strong bond to a loved one after they passed away. I was very close with my grandmother. After she transitioned to the Other Side I felt her near me at all times. It was unmistakable to me and I just knew she was present helping us all with our healing. I received signs and symbols such as seeing her name and birthdate everywhere and constantly. I smelled her perfume in the air amidst a long bike ride 50 miles away from home – the most unlikely place! Do you have a unique and special bond with a loved one? Even long after they pass, they may still visit you often.
  18. Do you find that family and friends come to you to divulge their life issues and problems? You always seem to give the right advice and the right time and sometimes you don’t understand where what you’re saying comes from yet the words and right counsel just flow. Sometimes you don’t even recall all that you’ve said after the fact. You see that those you help are always soothed and you too feel a sense of deep fulfillment. Why? You’re smack dab in the middle of channeling the Divine.
  19. Are rules and regimen stifling to you? Is freedom essential? Does strict regime, procedure and guidelines make you feel uncomfortable or controlled? This is an indication of your psychic tendencies.
  20. You are easily overstimulated? Meaning, you loathe loud or crowded places, bright lights or strong smells? Do airports, zoos, amusement parks and sensory rich places make you want to sleep for hours after you experience them? This is because you are an empath, highly sensitive and/or clairsentient – very sensitive to energy!
  21. Psychic ability is in the family and/or generational. Most psychics were in fact raised by a psychic or someone with such tendencies!

RELATED: Psychic Children: Indigo Kids of the Paranormal

What Being Psychic Does Not Mean

Now that you know the signs indicating you’re psychic, you also want to know what being psychic doesn’t mean:

  • Your psychic ability is much like a faucet. You are in charge of it and you get to turn it off or on when you want to use it. You will not get psychic messages and images all day long. As you develop your abilities you will learn how to turn them off and on with ease.
  • You don’t suddenly have the ability to read other’s minds. Being psychic is more about self-actualization and is a means to your own spiritual evolution and growth.
  • As a medium, able to see spirit, they come when you say it’s okay and call upon them. No, you will not see deceased loved ones everywhere. You are in charge communicating with those on the Other Side and when.
  • You may decide you don’t feel a calling to use your psychic gifts and that’s okay! There are many people who are psychic mediums yet they’re content to stay in their 9 to 5, corporate professions. That said, should you decide to put these wonderful newfound gifts to work, remember that you must ask permission to read someone. The one thing you can offer without permission is Grounding another.

While you might hone your psychic abilities and practice with family and friends, give this ability the level of respect it deserves. Give yourself time to practice and get better. If you offer psychic insight do so with care, discernment and only when it’s requested.

Take Your Time & Do This Right

It’s an especially exciting time as you realize and explore your psychic abilities. You may find your jaw drops time and again as you begin to see what you’re capable of. You may feel like you want to tell the whole world and offer help to everyone. Be mindful of slowing down, taking your time and allow the awesomeness of your gifts to take shape. Resist telling the whole world you’re a psychic medium. You can share the magnificent beauty of it all in time and as you feel fully ready.

Remember that we are all intuitive it’s just that some have this ability stronger than others and/or some are not inspired to discover this part of themselves yet.

MORE ON PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: The Meaning of Repeating Numbers You’re Seeing

Enjoy the Journey! It Should Be Fun!

There are things in the world we can’t understand. All around us, things function without explanation or permission. Even the sun rises and sets without our input and would do so whether or not we were around to see it. There are concepts we can’t explain: unconditional love, devotion, honesty, and sacrifice. If we are serious about making the most of our lives here on earth, we will endeavor to find and be our truest selves. Tapping into your psychic ability will help you find that truest self you seek. If what has been presented here resonates with you, use the information to find a new and more expansive you!

To begin to explore your gifts further take a look at my psychic development book Take the Leap: What It Really Means to Be Psychic!

What To Do Now

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to discern if you’re psychic. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.

This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured at 45 Best Psychic Podcasts.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodcast AddictPocket CastsStitcherCastboxGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.


Michelle Beltran

Michelle Beltran is an award-winning psychic medium, certified intuitive life coach, best-selling author, highly-trained remote viewer and the host of the popular psychic development podcast, The Intuitive Hour.

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Take the Leap


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