VirtuCLEAN 2.0: Benefits and Comparisons
Originally posted on https://cleancpap.net/virtuclean-2-0-benefits-and-comparisons/
Your CPAP machine helps you breathe more easily and regularly while you sleep. If you’re one of the more than 25 million Americans who suffer from sleep apnea, this can be a life-saving device.
Are you returning the favor by keeping it nice and clean?
From the heated humidifier to the CPAP tubing and CPAP mask, your machine provides the ideal, humid environment for germs, bacteria, and mold to thrive. Not only does this create an unpleasant smell, but it can also jeopardize your health.
That’s why it’s important to sanitize your system with a top-tier product, such as those offered by VirtuCLEAN. While the original VirtuCLEAN cleaner was innovative in its own right, the newly-released VirtuCLEAN 2.0 CPAP cleaner offers myriad benefits over its predecessor.
Today, we’re breaking down what this new version does and why it’s an improvement over the original.
Ready to learn more? Let’s get started.
What is VirtuCLEAN 2.0?
You already know that cleaning your CPAP machine and supplies on a regular basis can help lengthen its lifespan. However, this isn’t a device you can scrub with soapy water.
Rather, you’ll need to use a CPAP-specific cleaner designed to eliminate the germs that threaten to build upon the surfaces. However, even with most cleaners on the market, it can be a challenge to clean your equipment by hand and know you’re doing a thorough job.
That’s where VirtuCLEAN 2.0 comes in.
Designed for home or travel use, it’s a compact 4.6-inch-by-1.7-inch machine weighing only .5 pounds, powered by a lithium-ion battery. Though this machine is sleeker and more tech-savvy than ever before, it’s not heavier, bulkier, or bigger. It’s actually thinner than the first model and doesn’t require the purchase of an additional adapter!
Using a natural molecule called ozone, the cleaner kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria in your CPAP machine in only 30 minutes. Also known as activated oxygen, ozone is a superstar when it comes to disinfecting your machine’s tubing, mask and humidifier chamber.
Let’s take a look at why it’s a key ingredient in VirtuCLEAN 2.0.
The Power of Ozone
When another atom of oxygen is introduced to a regular oxygen (O2) molecule, the chemical element becomes O3, or ozone. In essence, it creates an activated, supercharged form of oxygen that’s capable of oxidizing or destroying other molecules with ease.
These molecules include bacteria, making ozone an ultra-strong disinfectant. In fact, it out-performs both bleach and chlorine in most cases, leading to its widespread use in water treatment plants, hotels, hospitals, and restaurants.
The VirtuCLEAN 2.0 Cleaning Process
Wondering how to use your new VirtuCLEAN 2.0? Let’s review the simple steps to follow. We recommend performing this task in the morning, if possible.
Preparing Your Supplies
First, take the time to gather all of the components that you wish to sanitize from your CPAP machine. You don’t have to pre-wash them.
Then, open the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 CPAP cleaner bag and put your CPAP mask and the empty humidifier chamber inside, zipping it closed.
Connecting the Cleaner
Holding your CPAP tubing, connect one end to the top of the bag. Connect the other end to the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 CPAP cleaner. Then, press the button to initiate the cleaning process.
This setup stage should take around one minute.
Quick and Convenient Cleaning
The best part of the cleaning process? You don’t have to monitor it. You can start it, go about your day, and come home to a clean machine, ready to use that night.
Once you press the button, the machine will perform a 35-minute sanitation cycle before turning itself off.
It’s important to note that although the ozone in VirtuCLEAN 2.0 is powerful, it doesn’t linger. It only takes 30 minutes for O3 to convert back to O2. We recommend waiting at least 45 minutes between cleaning and using your CPAP machine to ensure it’s ready to use.
VirtuCLEAN 2.0 Versus VirtuCLEAN
If you’ve used and appreciated the original VirtuCLEAN, you’ll enjoy a bevy of new perks when you invest in a VirtuCLEAN 2.0 CPAP cleaner.
Below, we’ve outlined a few of the key benefits you’ll reap.
USB Charging Port
The USB charging port on the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 is larger than the one before it. This makes it easier to plug in the charger and makes the electrical connection more durable.
One-Step Sanitation Process
The VirtuCLEAN 2.0 features a larger sanitizing bag. Now, it’s designed to fit all of your CPAP supplies plus your water chamber at the same time so you can sanitize everything together. This new, one-step process cuts your cleaning cycles in half!
In addition, the bag’s new design allows it to remain closed while cleaning. It also comes equipped with a carbon filter that cuts down on any odor that the ozone creates.
We recommend replacing the filter every six months for peak operation. As required, you can also service or replace the filter without replacing the entire bag. When it is time to replace the bag (once a year), you’ll get a new filter in that package, too.
Heated Tube Adapters
The VirtuCLEAN 2.0 includes two heated tube adapters. The smaller one is built into the cleaning bag, while the larger one fits onto the smaller adapter.
This allows you to make various combinations to ensure your tube fits every time.
LCD Display
Those LED lights you’re used to seeing with the original VirtuCLEAN? While they were helpful indicators of whether the machine was on or charging, they left room for improvement.
That’s why the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 features a large-format, color LCD display. When your cleaner is active, it will display a countdown timer that indicates the amount of time left in the cleaning cycle. And, when you plug in the machine to charge, the display shows a charging indicator, replaced by a full battery symbol when complete.
Not only can you monitor your device’s status, but you’ll also have access to cleaning compliance and utilization data, as well. These points of reference include:
- The total times you cleaned your CPAP machine
- The total hours you used your CPAP machine
- The times last week (past seven days) you cleaned your CPAP machine
- Battery charge level
Why is this information important?
It can help you keep track of your sanitization routine, so you remember to maintain it. If you fail to clean your CPAP machine and supplies within seven days, the device will even sound an alarm to alert you that it’s time to use your VirtuCLEAN 2.0 cleaner.
As a result of this tool, research shows that people who use the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 CPAP cleaner are more inclined to use their machine every day!
VirtuCLEAN 2.0 features a 24-month warranty, whereas the original model only offered one for 18 months. In the unlikely event you have a warranted issue with your VirtuCLEAN 2.0 during the warranty period you will receive a new device. That is a guarantee that is hard to beat.
While registering for the original warranty required going online or making a phone call, you can now take the same step from your smartphone. The LCD display will display a scannable QR code the first 10 times it’s fired up, so scan away to register the device and begin coverage.
How VirtuCLEAN 2.0 Outpaces Competitors
VirtuCLEAN 2.0 isn’t the only CPAP cleaner on the market, but it does offer key advantages over its peer competitors. Let’s review a few places where it shines.
Informative Display
The new LCD screen is informative and tracks cleaning compliance that is unmatched by any other cleaner on the market. With so much information at your fingertips, it puts you in control of your cpap cleaning routine.
Robust Cleaning
Proven with certified lab results, the VirtuCLEAN 2.0 claim to clean 99.9% of germs and bacteria from your CPAP tubing, mask and humidifier chamber in only 30 minutes is a fact. Nor is any competitor tapping into the power of built in cleaning compliance technology making sure your cpap supplies and cpap machine are sanitized on a routine basis.
Portable Convenience
Especially when you travel, you don’t want to lug a heavy CPAP cleaner along in your suitcase. The VirtuCLEAN 2.0 weighs only half of a pound and is approved for airplane travel.
So, bring it along and enjoy your trip! You don’t have to pack any additional soaps or cleaning solutions, either. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery ensures you always have quick access to the sanitation solution you need.
Quiet Operation
You don’t have to sacrifice a quiet moment for a clean CPAP machine. The VirtuCLEAN 2.0 features ultra-quiet operation. This helps it stand out against competitor machines that operate loud ozone pumps.
Safe and Compliant
Your CPAP cleaner directly affects the safety and integrity of your CPAP machine. Thus, it’s important to steer clear of unregulated, imported cleaners that aren’t aligned with U.S. safety standards.
The VirtuCLEAN meets or exceeds all of these standards. It’s also registered with the FDA and approved under Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HAS).
Maintenance Costs
Think you’ll have to spend a fortune to maintain your VirtuCLEAN 2.0 unit? Think again.
The costs to maintain this machine are lower than the industry average, coming in at only $29.98. The twice-annual carbon filter replacement costs $9.99 while the annual cleaner bag replacement is only $19.99, which includes another carbon filter.
Of course, to make your machine last as long as possible, be sure to clean and inspect it on a regular basis! You might find that you don’t need replacement parts as often when you do.
Trusted Manufacturer
You shouldn’t trust just anyone with your health.
That’s why it’s helpful to know that VirtuOx, the manufacturer behind VirtuCLEAN 2.0, is a U.S.-based company with more than 15 years of industry experience.
Buy VirtuCLEAN 2.0 Today
Are you ready to reclaim a good night’s rest? You’ll sleep better knowing that your CPAP machine is sanitized and in top shape.
When you’re ready to begin the cleaning process, VirtuCLEAN 2.0 is the way to go, offering unparalleled germ-fighting power with quick and efficient operation.
When you’re ready to introduce this cleaner into your routine, we’d love to help.
With more than 40 combined years of medical experience, we’re passionate about educating CPAP users on the importance of keeping their machine clean. In addition to informative articles on the topic, we also stock a shop full of the supplies you need to stay sanitized, including the VirtuCLEAN 2.0.
As you browse our inventory, feel free to contact us with any questions. We’ll take you from cleaning to dreaming in no time.