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Adding Red Light Therapy to Your Recovery Center Can Boost Your Business

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The core essence of every business, other than to provide value to its customers, is to make profits. This means providing your clients with related services and turning your recovery center into a one-stop-shop for all their needs.

If you are already offering cryotherapy services to your clients, why not offer them red light therapy as a complimentary service? Your business stands to gain a lot, seeing as you already have existing customers, so you won’t use a lot of funds advertising the new service. Besides, if you want your business to grow, you have to make sure that they aren’t going elsewhere for complimentary services.

Thinking of adding red light therapy to your recovery business? Here’s all you need to know.

Benefits of Combining Red Light Therapy With Cryotherapy for Your Customers

Customer satisfaction and business growth go hand in hand. If your clients are happy with the services you are offering them, they will come back and bring new customers with them. Yes, adding red light therapy to your recovery center will boost your business, but how exactly does it benefit the end-user?

  1. Convenience– the one thing customers love more than great service and good rates is convenience. Nobody wants to leave one recovery center to another in pursuit of services. If you can give your clients all the services they will require under one roof then they will pick you over the rest. Combining cryotherapy and red light therapy will be convenient for clients who prefer both services.
  2. It gives your customers a variety of choices to pick from– Do you ever wonder why minimarkets are popular? It’s because they give their customers a variety of choices to pick from. Both cryotherapy and red light therapy provide pain relief. Now, imagine you have an injured athlete who isn’t sure which service would be the best for him. As a recovery center, you can explain to him what each service entails, including the benefits and the potential risks involved.This way, they will be able to make a more informed decision.
  3. They are complementary services– cryotherapy helps with the reduction of inflammation. Red light therapy, on the other hand, helps with increased collagen production on the skin. Both services can be used to heal wounds.Cryotherapy has been known to help with eczema while Red light therapy helps with improving skin health. A customer suffering from eczema would benefit from both services by using cryotherapy to treat the rashes and red light therapy to rejuvenate their skin and improve the complexion.

Finally, customers have been known to change their minds at the last minute. They may come in for cryotherapy and end up opting for red light therapy. With the two business models, you will have no problem accommodating each and every client’s needs.

Business Model Similarities Between Cryotherapy and Red Light Therapy

So you have finally decided to integrate red light therapy to your cryo business. The next logical step is to come up with a business model that can accommodate both services. If you have already come up with a successful cryotherapy business model then you’re in luck because you won’t have to start from scratch.

Here are the similarities between a cryotherapy business model and a red light therapy business model. In both instances, you will have to consider:

  1. The initial cost of equipment and setting up– to integrate red light therapy into your recovery center, you will have to incur equipment costs. With red light therapy, you might need different machines for different services e.g a skincare therapy device, face masks for acne treatment, skincare toning masks, etc. Technological advancements have made it so that you can get all the equipment you need, and at affordable costs. Red light therapy beds are the most common addition to cryotherapy locations.The best part about integrating a red light therapy business model with the cryotherapy one is that the initial set up costs will be considerably reduced. The red light therapy will be an added amenity and you won’t have to look for a new location to start the business.If you are unsure of where to source the equipment, ensure that you partner up with trusted vendors. They are also likely to have insights into the red therapy business so ensure that you seek their advice.
  2. Demand for the service– offering red light therapy as a service when you don’t have a ready market is equivalent to opening a Ferrari dealership in farmland. You will end up having losses. Invest in market research and find out how many people are in need of red light therapy services.Start with your existing clients as they are your main assets and conduct a survey to find out if they would love red light therapy services. If they are open to the idea, then ask what specific red light therapy services you should start offering. This will give you a general overview of the market situation.
  3. Marketing and Advertising– you would think that having existing clientele would equate to automatic profits but you couldn’t be any more wrong. Marketing and advertising is an important aspect of every business and you will have to advertise red light therapy aggressively.What are some of the marketing channels that you can use?
    • Online marketing– it is fairly affordable and gives you a chance to reach a wide number of people
    • Special offers to existing clients– once you introduce red light therapy, provide it as a free service to some of your customers. Give them a taste of the service so that they can come back for more.
    • Offline marketing– create pamphlets and flyers which you will then hand out in areas where your target audience is likely to be found e.g the gym.

Set aside a sufficient marketing budget with the main focus being brand awareness. First, create awareness around your service before attempting to sell it.

Location is an important factor but since you will be integrating the red light therapy into an existing business, you will use the same premises.

The Value of Including Red Light Therapy to an Existing Cryo Center

We have already discussed how your customers will benefit from red light therapy integration and the similarities between a cryotherapy and red light therapy business model. The most important question, however, is how will you benefit as a business? What do you stand to gain as a business owner?

Here are the benefits of integrating red light therapy into an existing recovery center.

An increase in profits

Red light therapy is a profitable venture. When combined with cryotherapy, your business will grow, resulting in more profits. Think of it this way; your recovery center is doing well on its own (you wouldn’t be thinking of integrating red light therapy if it wasn’t). Integrating a new business model will lead to more business from existing and new customers.

Do you ever go to the mall to grab a meal but end up leaving with new clothes, decorations you didn’t even know you needed and a ton of shopping that wasn’t in your budget? Well, that’s often the case with services. Customers will come to your recovery center for cryotherapy services and end up combining it with red light therapy.

However, it is important that you know the business might not peak immediately after its inception. Give yourself time to promote the service sufficiently before you can start making profits. One of the main mistakes that recovery center owners make is expecting profits immediately.

Think about it, would you engage with a new service if you didn’t have enough information? No. Would you buy a product that has just been introduced to the market? Probably not. You have to give your potential customers enough time to authenticate the service.

On the plus side, your existing clientele is more likely to try out red light therapy. You just have to give them incentives, maybe as a free service or at a highly discounted price.

Easy to find target market

The beauty of investing in red light therapy is that there is a ready target market. Everybody wants to have glowing skin. Few people want to walk around with wrinkled skin. Nobody wants to be in pain, while some only enjoy the therapeutic benefits.

With red light therapy, you just have to know how to package your message to your potential customers. This is where marketing comes in. Say, you are promoting acne removal, a before and after picture would work wonders as it will visually let the customer know what to expect. You need to find out the pain points of your potential clients and then use marketing to provide a solution.

To convert potential clients into actual clients, you have to tap into their emotions.  What is it that they truly desire? (pain relief, smooth skin, no wrinkles, etc). Which medium are they likely to resonate with? (social media, emails, brochures, etc). What value-added benefits will they be getting from red light therapy at your recovery center? (exclusive discounts, freebies, royalty points, etc). Use these answers to create an effective marketing campaign.

More clients for your recovery center

Statistics show that less than half of businesses fail after a short period in the market.1 Inventiveness is the key to avoiding failure. You already had clients for cryotherapy and now, you will have many more for red light therapy. By introducing the new business model, you will be opening your doors to new clients whose only preference is red light therapy.

Think of a scenario where the local gym only has male-oriented activities. Yes, there will be a female or two but the majority of the members will be males. Now imagine the gym introduces Zumba lessons or yoga classes, complete with new rooms that have been decorated with feminine colors. Once word gets around, the gym will be swarming with women interested in those activities.

The same is true for red light therapy integration. You will be including a target market that you had otherwise shut out.

You can come up with a signature experience

Having red light therapy and cryotherapy gives you an opportunity to come up with a signature experience.

What is the one thing that sets you aside from other recovery centers? What would make clients come to you and not your competitors? Integrating the two business models allows you to come up with custom services not offered by other businesses. It could be a package that combines the two services or an exclusive service that is currently not being offered in your region. The opportunities are endless. Statistics show that the health and recovery market still remains among top industries.2

You only have to get your creative juices flowing and combine it with customer feedback to give your clients a deal that they can’t say no to. A deal that they won’t find anywhere else. This is a chance to set your recovery center aside from the rest and to offer premium experiences that will have customers coming back.

Reduced costs

It would cost you more to start your recovery center from scratch. You would have to look for an optimal location, come up with a new branding strategy and hire more employees.

Yes, you will hire red light therapy experts but there are employees that you won’t have to rehire, including a receptionist. Some of the equipment in your recovery center can also be used for red light therapy and the premises will remain the same. Best part? You will have created relationships and strategic alliances within the industry so you will know where to source anything you will need.

Can Integrating Red Light Therapy Business to Your Cryo Center Boost Your Business?

Absolutely. You only have to come up with an effective business model and hire red light therapy experts for a start. Red light therapy will generate more profits, bring in more clients and its integration is cheaper compared to having a standalone model. Ensure you conduct proper market and audience research before fully integrating it.

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