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Get Your HVAC Summer Ready, West Grove

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Temperatures in Lancaster County can easily reach highs of over 80° F in the summer months. To beat the heat, it’s crucial to thoroughly inspect your HVAC system before temperatures start to rise.

If you want to make sure your air conditioning system is ready for the summer, there are several important steps to take. Be sure to follow this helpful guide while it’s still cool, or you could find yourself without air conditioning when it’s already hot out!

Read on to learn everything summer-ready Lancaster County residents can do to prepare their HVAC systems!

How HVAC Systems Work

Before we get into preparing your air conditioner for the summer, let’s take a look at how air conditioners cool your home.

Air conditioning systems have two main components: an indoor cooling unit, and an outdoor compressor. The cooling unit removes hot air from inside the home and transfers it to the compressor outside. The compressor then expels the hot air outside your home.

Most homes have a central HVAC system, which uses ductwork to circulate air in the home. Other types of air conditioning systems include ductless mini-splits, window units, and portable units.

HVAC Maintenance to Prepare for the Summer

If it’s still cool outside, you have time to get this maintenance done before you need your air conditioner. These are the essential things to check on your HVAC system before the summer.

Change Your Air Filter

One of the simplest forms of maintenance can have a huge impact on your air conditioning system. It’s generally best to change your filter every two or three months, but in colder climates like Pennsylvania, it’s easy to forget.

When you leave an air filter unchanged too long, it can accumulate dust and debris that can lower your home’s air quality. In extreme cases, too much dust in an air filter can damage your system resulting in costly repairs.

Be sure to get the right size air filter for your system. Additionally, ensure you have the arrow pointed in the right direction when replacing the filter.

Remove Any Vent or Compressor Covers

Many homeowners in the northeast will cover their compressors and vents during the winter for protection. When you check your system in the spring, make sure any of these covers are removed and stored.

You must remove these covers before turning on your system, as they can cause catastrophic damage if left on. Once you’ve removed the vent covers, make sure your vents are free of dust.

Inspect the Unit and Compressor

Once you’ve removed any covers, look over the indoor and outdoor units. Check for any visible damage, dirt, or debris, as these can affect how the system operates.

Also, check for anything obstructing the outdoor unit like leaves, animal nests, or branches. These obstructions can end up in your system and cause damage.

Clean Your Condenser Coils

Inside the compressor, there are condenser coils that dispense the hot air removed from your home. If you had the compressor covered over the winter, these likely haven’t accumulated much dust, but it’s a good idea to check.

Before you remove the compressor’s top and side panel to access the coils, be sure to turn off the power to the compressor. There is a fan inside that can cause serious injury if started.

Once the power is shut off, remove the top or side panels. Use a vacuum with a brush attachment to gently clean the coils and fan, taking care not to damage them.

Check Your Thermostat

It’s easy to forget that thermostats need regular maintenance and inspection, too.

Make sure your thermostat is working properly by first checking the screen. If the screen is blank, replacing the batteries may be the solution.

If the temperature shown on the thermostat is incorrect, you may need to have it calibrated. If you have an analog thermostat, you may consider a digital one.

Test Your System

Once you’ve performed all the minor home maintenance, it’s time to test your system. Set your thermostat to cool and turn the system on.

Check each vent in your home to see if they have proper airflow. If any vents aren’t blowing air, you may need duct cleaning.

Additionally, make sure each vent is blowing cool air. If the air is hot, check your thermostat to ensure it’s set to cool.

If you’ve taken all of these steps and the system still isn’t working properly, you may need to have a professional inspect your system.

Call the Professionals

Even if you’ve looked over your system and everything looks good, you may want a second opinion. A certified HVAC technician will be able to spot issues you may not have noticed.

A professional will be able to check your coolant levels, mechanical issues, and electrical wiring. Having a licensed technician inspect your system will give you the peace of mind that your air conditioner is ready for the summer.

In addition to checking your system, a technician can suggest any upgrades that may be a good option. While upgrading your system can be expensive, you can often save money in the long run with better energy efficiency.

Don’t Be Stuck In the Heat This Summer

Make sure your HVAC system is ready for the heat of summer. Before temperatures go up, use these preventative maintenance tips to check your system.

If you’ve checked all the different components of your air conditioner and still have issues, you may need a professional. Kaufmann Gas has been helping customers get their homes summer-ready in Lancaster for 75 years.

Contact us today to have a professional inspect your HVAC system and get you ready for the summer!

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