
New parent checklist

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So, you’re expecting a little one soon! Congrats! Becoming a parent is one of the most amazing experiences you’ll ever have. It’s also a huge adjustment, and can be pretty overwhelming at times. To help you get ready for baby’s arrival, here’s a checklist of things to parents should do before the baby makes their grand entrance.


Prep frozen meals

For new parents, having quick and easy frozen meals in the freezer can be a lifesaver. After all, when the baby arrives, who has time to spend cooking? There are a ton of great recipes out there for make-ahead meals that reheat well. You can do a quick search online or ask your friends for their favorites. Just make sure to label and date them clearly so you know what’s inside!


Ready your finances

Parenthood is a big financial responsibility. Make sure you’re prepared by budgeting for all the new expenses you’ll have, like diapers, formula, and childcare. Many parents also get life insurance in case anything happens. Life insurance can help financially protect your family in case something happens to you.


Stock up on baby essentials

As your due date approaches, it’s a good idea to start stocking up on baby essentials. Things like diapers, wipes, onesies, and burp cloths are all must-haves for any new parent. You can often get great deals on these items if you buy them in bulk. So, if you stock up now you may be able to save yourself some money down the road.


Make the home safe for baby

Having a baby means you might need to make some changes to your home. Things like childproofing and getting rid of hazards are all important. Take some time to go through your home and make any necessary changes before the baby arrives and things get hectic.


Set up the nursery

There are a few things to keep in mind when setting up the nursery. First, choose a quiet location for the nursery, away from busy areas of the house where there is lots of foot traffic. When it comes to furniture, you will need a crib or bassinet, a changing table, and some storage for diapers and clothes. It is also a good idea to have a comfortable chair for nursing or rocking your baby to sleep. Finally, make sure the nursery is well-lit and cheerful – you want a space that you enjoy spending time in as well!


Have a plan for when you go into labor

Did you pack a bag? Who will drive you to the hospital if your partner isn’t there? If you have other children, who will watch them and where will they spend the night? These are all important questions to answer before you go into labor. Having a plan in place can help the process go more smoothly and reduce stress for everyone involved.


Enjoy yourself!

Becoming a parent is a wonderful and exciting time. So, make sure to enjoy it! Remember to savor every moment—it goes by fast.

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