ArticleCity.comArticle Categories Humidifier vs. Dehumidifier: Which One Do I Need?

Humidifier vs. Dehumidifier: Which One Do I Need?

Photo by Stefan Gall

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Did you know that medical professionals recommend that you live in a home with a proper humidity of between 40 and 60 percent?

There are health benefits to living in a home that has a properly managed level of humidity. However, this can be a challenge, especially if you live in a state that has extreme climates.

Dehumidifiers and humidifiers are different forms of air conditioners, in the sense that they condition the air in your home depending on how dry the areas or how humid the air is. What is a humidifier, and what’s the difference between a humidifier and the dehumidifier?

If you’re not sure of whether you should purchase a humidifier vs dehumidifier, we’ve created this complete guide to help you understand which one would be the best for you to purchase. Keep reading to learn more!


Humidity is the measurement of water content that’s located in there air. When people talk about humidity levels, they’re often referring to the level of relative humidity.

The relative humidity is the percentage of the amount of water vapor in the air in comparison to the current temperature. The hotter the temperature gets, the more moisture is able to carry.


Unmanaged levels of humidity can have adverse effects on the human body. If the air you’re surrounded by feels warmer than the actual temperature, it can make you feel like you have low energy levels.

Some of the most common health risks are associated with high humidity levels include:

  • Fatigue
  •  Dehydration
  •  Overheating
  •  Heat exhaustion
  •  Heatstroke
  •  Fainting

If you or someone that you love are beginning to exhibit any of these signs, it’s essential that you seek immediate medical attention.


The humidity located inside of your home not only affects how comfortable your home is, but it also affects the quality of air inside of your home, your health, and even the structure of your home.

The temperature inside of your home affects the humidity in the air. However, the humidity levels in your home also have an effect on the temperature. This is because humid air is able to hold on to heat more efficiently than air that isn’t humid.

So, this means that increasing the humidity level in your home will make your home feel warmer during the winter. During the summer, reducing the humidity level in your home will help to make your home feel cooler and more comfortable. This explains why some homes have both a humidifier and a dehumidifier.

By balancing the humidity level in your home, it also protects the quality of air that you’re breathing it in.

If the air inside of your home is too dry, dust and dander will easily fly around. In addition, more dust will be able to generate inside of your home. This is because the skin will begin to flake easier, and there isn’t anything in the air trap pet dander down.

On the other hand, when the humidity levels are too high, it makes it easier for bacteria, molds, and mildew to grow inside of your home. By not controlling humidity levels that are too high, it can trigger allergies and increase the likelihood of the development of serious illnesses. Plus, it can also cause the growth of mold to damage the drywall and the structural integrity of your home.


Medical professionals recommend that you keep humidity levels around 50%. This is because when at the humidity level inside of your home is over 98 percent, there’s an increased chance that viruses are surviving and multiplying.


A humidifier is a machine that adds moisture to the air. Using a humidifier in your home is beneficial during colder months, as air is to dry, it can potentially damage your health and your home.

If the air in your home is too dry, it can cause you to develop dry skin, nose bleeds, and even headaches. Plus, low humidity levels can cause wooden furniture to dry out and eventually crack.

Using a humidifier will put moisture back into the air to keep your home protected and your health in check.


A dehumidifier the type of machine that takes moisture out of the air. This keeps your home protected from mold growth, dust mites, and mildew. By using a dehumidifier, you’ll also help to protect the health of individuals that have asthma or allergies.


There are two main types of humidifiers that you’ll be able to find on the market. These are cool mist and warm mist humidifiers.

Cool mist humidifiers put a cool vapor out into the surrounding air. However, warm mist humidifiers boil water inside of the machine to release warm steam.

Warm Mist Humidifiers

Also commonly referred to as a steam humidifier, warm mist humidifiers boil water inside of the machine. Once the water is boiled, it will release the steam into the room. With warm mist humidifiers, you can add FDA approved inhalants for antibacterial or aromatic purposes.

Wick Humidifier

This type of humidifier uses a wick that’s typically comprised of a cloth to absorb water from a storage container is located inside of the humidifier. A fan will then blow over the wick, causing the water to evaporate.

If the water inside of a dehumidifier is cold, it can help to lower the temperature inside of a room quickly. This is a great way to make a makeshift air conditioner if you’re ever in a pinch!

Impeller Humidifier

This type of humidifier operates by creating a foggy mist through a rotating disk that throws water into a diffuser. The diffusing element inside the dehumidifier causes tiny droplets to form, then sprayed into the surrounding air.

Ultrasonic Humidifier

By using an ultrasonic range that vibrates, ultrasound humidifiers breakdown water into microscopic droplets. There’s a fan located inside of the humidifier that will cause the droplets to blow out as a mist.

This type of humidifier is very quiet, as the ultrasonic vibrations aren’t able to be heard by humans.


Unlike humidifiers, there are many different types of dehumidifier models on the market. Here’s a closer look at the most common types of dehumidifiers that you’ll find:


This type of humidifier uses a heat pump pull moisture from the air in your home using condensation. Electronic type dehumidifiers are typically very quiet, but they aren’t the most efficient model on the market.


Also commonly referred to as mechanical dehumidifiers, this type of dehumidifier uses a fan. The fan is responsible for drawing air into the dehumidifier unit and pulling the air over a refrigerated coil.

Once the air has been pulled over the coil, the coil condenses, removing the moisture from the air. After the air has been dehumidified, it will be released back into the room.

A refrigerator dehumidifier is the most commonly purchased dehumidifier available on the market.

Ionic Membrane

The iconic membrane dehumidifier uses electrolysis to remove water vapor from the air. By using electrolysis, there isn’t any water vapor that you need to remove air from the dehumidifier. This means that you won’t have to do much maintenance to keep this dehumidifier up and running.


This type of dehumidifier uses a unique material to remove water vapor out of the air. During the process of the desiccant dehumidifier, heat is used to remove the moisture from the desiccant.


Are you wondering if a humidifier can really help improve the health of your family (and your home)? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of a humidifier:

Reduces Snoring

This is because when is the air levels in your home are too dry, it causes the areas in your nasal cavity, tongue, and throat to become dry. You can add more humidity and to your bedroom air to cut back on the likelihood of snoring.

Reduced Germs

When the air levels in your home contain a healthy level of humidity, it makes it harder for flu and cold rooms to thrive. This will help to reduce the chances of you and your loved ones getting sick during the winter.

Healthier Skin

Dry air in your home can increase the chances of you suffering from dry skin. If your skin is dry, it makes it easier for it to crack, or begin wrinkling. Even if your skincare routine uses moisturizers, if the air in your home is too dry, you could be causing damage to your skin.

There are tons of health benefits that come with using a humidifier in your home. However, it should be aware that levels of humidity that are too high can also be equally damaging.


Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits that you can expect to see in both your health and your home.

Fights Against Pest Problems

Pests such as cockroaches and spiders thrive in moist environments. If you’ve noticed an increase in past and you’re home, investing in a dehumidifier can help reduce the number of pests that are trying to get into your home.

If you notice a specific room where there are a lot of cockroaches or spiders, this may mean that the room that has a high level of humidity in it.

Improves Allergies

Many allergen triggers such as mildew, mold, dander, and dust mites thrive in environments that have high humidity levels. If there are rooms in your home that don’t have great air circulation such as your basement, your bathroom, and your laundry room, is a chance but these rooms harbor these allergens.

By reducing the humidity level in your home, it can help to improve the overall air quality. Plus, it will help to prevent the growth of some types of viruses and bacteria.

Cuts Down On Your Energy Usage

Reducing the amount of humidity that’s found in your home will help to improve the efficiency of the air conditioning. This is because a dehumidifier will remove moisture from the air in your home. As a result, this will help to prevent the air conditioning unit from working as hard to cool down the air in your home.

This will help you save money on your energy bill and maintenance, as your air conditioning unit won’t have to work as hard to cool down your home.


Before you decide to buy a humidifier or a dehumidifier, you need to have the humidity levels inside of your home checked. If you find that your home contains more than 50 percent humidity, you need to invest in a dehumidifier. However, if you find that your humidity levels are below 30 percent, you need to invest in a humidifier.


If the humidity levels in your home aren’t properly managed, it could cause you and your home to develop a myriad of problems. Make sure to investigate the humidity levels of your home to ensure that you’re doing everything to keep you and your family safe. We hope you have a better understanding of the unique benefits that a humidifier vs dehumidifier will bring to your home!

Are you looking to invest in a high-quality humidifier or dehumidifier? Come check out our shop today!

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